Resilience & Recovery

My name is Ahlam*. I dropped everything to flee for ISIS as they invaded my village in August, 2014. I’m now 26 years and sometimes I think about my parents, they died when I was 11 years old. I was forced to marry my cousin when I was 14.

Before and after being displaced, I was constantly physically and mentally abused by my now ex-husband. I now live with my daughter in the IDP camp. I was able to divorce my ex-husband after all the violence I suffered and pain from his involvement in another sexual assault case. I still suffered stigma as a divorced woman and faced many challenges as a single mother. After hearing about FYF services from neighbors, I started participating in sessions in August, 2021. I felt hopeless, and was very afraid to be among people. After attending FYF group therapy sessions and receiving mental health awareness, I realized what I went through is known as domestic violence. And I realized that I am not only a survivor of genocide, I am also a survivor of domestic violence!”

*Name has been changed to protect the survivor’s identity