Meet Payman: A Story of Resilience and Hope

Payman, a 22-year-old from Khanke, lives with her family of eight and has always loved staying active and learning new skills. Over the years, she’s taken part in various training programs, from hairstyling to sweet-making. Most recently, she joined FYF’s Chonky Animal crocheting program, where she’s been creating adorable stuffed animals.

Reflecting on the Yezidi Genocide, Payman says,

Although I haven’t experienced what others have, I can empathize—it could have happened to any of us.

She believes the community’s biggest need is job opportunities, as employment not only provides financial support but also a sense of purpose.

Her family is her greatest source of encouragement, and her ultimate dream is to open her own hair salon. Until then, Payman is thriving in the Chonky Animal program, which she joined in April. With a background in crocheting, she says,

This program has helped me make friends, open up, and improve my financial situation.

Payman first learned about the program from a neighbor involved in FYF’s livelihood initiative, making traditional carpets. She sees Yezidi women becoming more open and engaged in community activities but knows that many still dream of returning home.

When asked about her favorite creation, Payman smiles and says,

The turtle! It’s made in one piece, and I love the process.

Through FYF’s programs, women like Payman are building friendships, healing, and finding new opportunities.