FYF is currently one of only a few internationally recognized links between prosecuting bodies and Yezidi survivors. FYF compiles unique analyses of crime scenes and suspect dossiers, working closely with UN mechanisms (IIIM and UNITAD) and war crimes units in jurisdictions outside Iraq. FYF’s all-female team of lawyers and investigators integrate survivor-centered practices into all aspects of survivor interactions.



FYF measures successful achievement of this goal by the number of structural crime scene investigations completed, number of suspect dossiers completed, and number of case files shared with law enforcement and UN mechanisms.

Support our work!

FYF works to support the most vulnerable members of the Yezidi community by providing them with education, economic empowerment, post-trauma treatment, and access to justice. If you want your donations to have a real impact on the lives of women and children affected by conflict, please consider giving to FYF today.