As the 10th anniversary of the Yezidi Genocide approaches, the need to shed light on the ongoing impact of the genocide remains acute. With nearly half the Yezidi population still internally displaced and a lack of basic resources and infrastructure in Sinjar, advocating to keep the Yezidi cause on the international agenda is vital to the sustainable recovery of the community.


  • Create Yezidi leadership coalition to demand equitable resources from GOI for the reconstruction of Sinjar
  • Advance a gender informed approach for Yezidi recovery and progress
  • Serve as a leading community focal point in advocating for humanitarian aid and service provision in line with best practice
  • Help lead the Yezidi community in ensuring the Yezidi Genocide remains a topic of global importance and the community is not forgotten
  • Advocate for a more just and efficient allocation of funding resources for the Yezidi community
  • Shift cultural norms at the communal and national levels to improve Yezidi and other minority women’s chances of enjoying their rights as stipulated by Iraqi and international standards
  • Advocate the GOI and KRG to honor their responsibility to protect minority citizens and ensure they can live in safety and dignity
  • Work with allies in the international community to improve protection of vulnerable minority communities, such as Yezidis, in the Iraq and Kurdistan region

FYF measures successful achievement of this goal by the amount of funding invested in the reconstruction of Sinjar, number of sustainable returns to the Sinjar region, and number of Yezidi and other minority women able to access livelihoods and education opportunities.