Holistic Healing: FYF’s Comprehensive Protection and Mental Health Services for Atrocity Survivors

The Yezidi community still endures the lasting wounds of the 2014 genocide, with many missing loved ones, unexhumed mass graves, and ongoing poverty and displacement. Yezidi women, in particular, face severe trauma and mental health challenges.

FYF’s protection team, our largest department, is committed to providing trauma-informed, holistic care. Operating in Khanke and Sheikhan, our 16-member team offers vital services like case management, therapy, legal aid, and awareness sessions, focusing on women, girls, and survivors of SGBV.

We’re here to help the Yezidi community heal and rebuild. 

Support our work!

FYF works to support the most vulnerable members of the Yezidi community by providing them with education, economic empowerment, post-trauma treatment, and access to justice. If you want your donations to have a real impact on the lives of women and children affected by conflict, please consider giving to FYF today.