FYF statement: UN Commission on Syria Declares Attacks on Yezidis as Genocide

The Free Yezidi Foundation is grateful to the UN Commission on Syria for publicly acknowledging the genocide that has been perpetrated against the Yezidi people.

All Yezidis know this genocide has happened and many of us have tried to raise our voices, in our own ways, to draw attention to the plight of those still held by ISIS, the suffering of survivors, and the needs of our entire community. It is important that the international community has begun to take some actions, even if only in the form of reports. We have emphasised the importance of justice from early days, and all ICC member states have an obligation to ensure that perpetrators do not live freely in their countries. There must not be impunity for the horrific crimes that were committed.

I also hope that all Yezidis, regardless of which organisation they represent, or political parties or affiliations, will try to work together and not in competition, and focus on the welfare of our survivors and rebuilding the community, difficult as the task is.We should also remember all the brave Yezidi fighters who have fought and continue to fight on Mount Sinjar, and also honour the memory of all those we have lost.

Finally, I strongly urge our good friends overseas, beginning with Holland, Spain, the UK, the US, and others to prioritise Yezidi refugees and IDPs for resettlement before all others. Many individuals and groups have suffered in Iraq and Syria, but as this report very accurately notes, no community has been targeted so brutally as the Yezidis. I hope that those countries attaching importance to human rights and gender rights will consider Yezidi survivors who have suffered the most and grant them asylum before all others.

-Pari Ibrahim

Executive Director
Free Yezidi Foundation