Free Yezidi Foundation partners with Gucci’s Chime for Change

Through the Chime for Change campaign, Gucci Parfums has decided to sponsor the activities of the Free Yezidi Foundation, generously contributing $120,000. Chime for Change is an initiative to support education, health, and justice for girls and women across the world. The Free Yezidi Foundation is enormously grateful to Gucci Parfums for acknowledging the plight of Yezidi women and girls and choosing to support the Free Yezidi Foundation.

In order to ensure receipt of this donation, the Free Yezidi Foundation joined the GlobalGiving crowdfunding platform. GlobalGiving is a registered 501c3 charity fundraising website that gives social entrepreneurs and non-profits from anywhere in the world a chance to raise the money that they need to improve their communities. After a rigorous process of due diligence, GlobalGiving determined that the Free Yezidi Foundation had met all the necessary requirements. Now individuals and companies based in the United States can make tax deductible donations to the Free Yezidi Foundation. Please click here if you are in the United States and wish to make a tax deductible donation.

The Free Yezidi Foundation also completed its initial therapeutic assessment, based on January’s fact-finding mission, outlining a three-stage process of psychological treatment intervention. The Foundation will continue working on logistic and administrative matters to ensure a successful launch of the children’s center and post-trauma center later this year.