Founder of Free Yezidi Foundation travels to America to create awareness for persecuted Yezidi’s

The founder and director of the Free Yezidi Foundation, Pari Ibrahim, has tried to create awaraness for the persecution of the Yezidi’s by ISIS, during her trip to the United States in november 2014. She spoke with representatives of several international organisations and she has held lectures at universities, in churches and synogogues.

The Free Yezidi Foundation was founded in August 2014 by Pari Ibrahim, shortly after ISIS-terrorists had attempted to wipe out the Yezidi people, a non-muslim minority in Iraq. Many Yezidi’s were murdered and a lot of Yezidi women were abducted by ISIS, then sold as sexslaves. The Yezidi’s who managed to escape, ended up in refugee camps that, to this day, remain in dire conditions. There is not enough food, water, medical aid and shelter available. With the Foundation, Pari Ibrahim wants to collect money to help the members of the Yezidi’s who need it the most.

That is why the director of the Free Yezidi Foundation traveled to the United States in the month of November 2014. She spoke with representatives of organisations like the Global Centre for the Responsability to Protect, the Rockefellers Brothers Foundation, the EMDR-Institute and UNICEF. She also held lectures at several universities, among them Harvard Univeristy’s Kennedy School of Government and Columbia University. Finally, she spoke in a number of churches and synagogues.


The trip to America brought in a lot of useful contacts. For instance contact with the EMDR-Instute, an organisation that specializes in the treatment of trauma-victims, gave the foundation new ways to help the Yezidi women who escaped ISIS. These women are traumatized by the sexual violence they experienced, during ISIS captivity.

By speaking at a number of universities and other institutes Pari Ibrahim has tried to create more awareness for the current situation of the Yezidi people and their culture. She inspired a lot of people to care more about the fate of the Yezidi’s and to help by donating to the Free Yezidi Foundation or by offering expertise to the organisation, that it doesn’t have itself. The visit to the United States by the founder of the Free Yezidi Foundation can therefore be considered a success.

Read more:

Ezidi activist meets with organisations and speaks at prominent universities in America
Ezidi activist Pari Ibrahim visits United Nations Headquarters in New York
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