FYF Launches New Comprehensive Livelihoods and Education Project in Khanke

Exciting News! FYF has officially launched its new project, “Empowering Religious and Ethnic Minority (REM) Women in Iraq: Holistic Solutions for Sustainable Income Generation,” funded by the State of Baden-Württemberg.

This initiative is dedicated to empowering 150+ women and girls from religious and ethnic minority communities in Iraq by providing them with valuable skills and opportunities for a brighter future. Participants will receive hands-on training in crafts and baking, as well as courses in English language and financial literacy. The project aims to:

Together, we are building a pathway to economic empowerment and self-reliance for REM women in Iraq. Stay tuned for updates on this impactful project.

Support our work!

FYF works to support the most vulnerable members of the Yezidi community by providing them with education, economic empowerment, post-trauma treatment, and access to justice. If you want your donations to have a real impact on the lives of women and children affected by conflict, please consider giving to FYF today.